A 65 yr old male patient with swelling on the both the legs and difficulty in breathing ( short case)

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box.

Chief complaint
65years old male resident of nagarjuna sagar came to opd with chief complaint of bilateral pedal edema and SOB

History of Present Illness:
-Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10years back, then he met with an accident following which he started using NSAIDS following which he developed heart failure. 
-H/o 1 episode of tonic seizures at night 5years back (phenytoin 100mg/BD ) bilateral pedal edema since 4years , pitting type, aggrevated on standing and relieved on lying down
-SOB since 1week insidious onset, gradually progressive from grade 2 to grade 3 sometimes grade 4
-Facial puffiness 
-Decreased urinary output
-orthopnea present
-no h/o fever
-no h/o cough,cold
-no h/o burning micturition

History of Past illness:
-h/o CKD since 5years(12 sessions of hemodialysis is done)
-h/o hypertension since 4years
-no h/o Diabetes, asthma,TB

Personal History:
Diet - Mixed
Appetite - decreased since 5years
Bowel and bladder movements- Regular
Sleep- disturbed
Addictions - 
        Patient consumes alcohol regularly since 40 years stopped since 1year
        smokes cigarette 10-12/day since 40 years

Family History:
No significant family history

General Examination:
Patient was examined after taking his consent.
Patient was conscious, coherent, cooperative and well oriented to time place and person
Patient was well nourished and well built.
Pallor- Absent
Icterus- absent
Clubbing- absent
Cyanosis- absent
Lymphadenopathy - absent

Temp: Afibrile
Respiratory rate:20cycles/min
Blood pressure:150/80mmhg

Systemic Examination:
Cardiovascular Examination:

Cardiac sounds:S1,S2 heards
Cardiac murmurs:no

Respiratory system:

Position of trachea: central
Breath sounds: vesicular
Chest is bilaterally symmetrical
Movements with respiration are equal on both sides
Bilateral air entry present
Dull sound on percussion
Crepts in auscultation


Shape of abdomen: Distended
Flanks full
Umbilicus central
Sinuses,scars -not present
No dilated veins
Palpable mass:no
Free fluid:yes
Liver:not palpable
Spleen:not palpable
Bowel sounds:yes
Central Nervous system:

 Pt is conscious
Neck stiffness:no
Cranial nerves:normal
Motor and sensory system:normal 

CKD with hypertension


01 .Tab. Lasix 40mg po/bd ( to reduce preload) 
02 .Tab. Nodosis 500mg po/bd( acidbase balance) 
03 .Tab. Orofer po/od ( anemia) 
04 . Tab .shelcal po/od ( dietary supplement) 
05. Tab . Phenytoin 100mg po/od                  ( epilepsy) 
06 .Tab .metxl 25mg po/od ( metoprelol for hypertension) 
07. Tab . Isolazine po/od ( Heart failure) 
08. Cap . Bio D3 po/once weekly ( vit D 3 because ionized calcium is low) 


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